Last school year, our teachers had a unique opportunity to request for the district to purchase educational tools and supplies. Because of how the district used federal ESSER funding to save on expenses, funding was available to purchase classroom items to make learning more innovative, fun, and effective. Perhaps most importantly, teachers were given the autonomy to make these requests individually. In fact, teachers were told by email, “If there’s something you’ve always dreamt of having in your classroom to improve teaching and learning, this is your chance to ask for it.”
Now we’re highlighting the requests that were approved and how they’re being used in our classrooms.
Lori Tucker serves as the counselor for the Hugh C. Spalding Academy and works closely with students enrolled in the MARVEL program, where students complete coursework online. While some students complete these courses off-campus, many attend in-person at the MARVEL lab.
Last year, Tucker requested and received Positive Action Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum to use with students at the MARVEL lab. She received both a middle school and high school bundle, which includes lesson plans and materials including textbooks, journals, and visual aids.
“I love this curriculum,” Tucker said. “I’ve been surprised how well it’s gone over.”
Among the more popular elements is a role-playing radio script activity called PALS: Positive Action Live Stream. Students are assigned parts and act out a skit dealing with self-concept, or the way an individual views himself. The activity might include important ideas or questions such as “Are first impressions always accurate?” From there, students participate in a group discussion before completing a journal entry.